Rosanne Robertson
Permanent Working Location:
General Working Practice:
My general working practice involves having lots of ideas about pieces of art which I believe to be interesting. I then carry on with cups of tea, nasty letters from banks, reading, researching, working, doing the washing, going to the shop, smoking cigarettes, watching films. During this time ideas continue to either form or fade out. The ones that last with me the longest and remain interesting to me get some sort of output. Common outputs within my practice have previously included: Documentation of research projects, video, text, installation, performance, live art, photography, social networking and 3D virtual design.
Mill24 Exhibition:
Artist/Viewer 2009/10, Performance/installation/video, 60mins. This piece questions the position of the viewer and artist equally. By using the artist as an object and the viewer as an element of completion within the piece the power balance of the ‘artist installation’ is thrown off. The questions and ideas surrounding the piece originate from the emphasis in contemporary art practice on process, interaction and commenting on the actions and working process of the artist. Activities such as workshops, open studios, talks, lectures, discussions, presentations, blogging, posting videos and other communication and documentation methods are all asked of from the contemporary artist in order for a piece to ‘exist’ and be communicated to the public. The changing role from artist to artist/curator challenges the artist themselves to communicate the private as public within spaces that demand multiple responses.
Mill24 Exhibition Date:
Saturday 24th April 2010
Contact Email:
Curriculum Vitae:
‘Emellee Was Here, You Were There’ 2008/09 Two Main Outlets for ongoing project involving constructed character blurring the real and the fictional with stolen human interaction and personalities- Odd Bar, Manchester and Manchester Art Crawl 09 (part of ‘Not Part of Festival’), Service Point Manchester
‘Castlefield Contemporaies’ 2009, easaHQ pieces shown were ‘How To View Art’ 2009/10 and ‘Journal’ 2009.
Future exhibitions, projects and new art group information made available via the RosanneRobertson website.
‘Emellee Was Here, You Were There’ 2008/09, Installation shot of output
information from project, MMU Degree Show.
‘Emellee Was Here, You Were There’ 2008/09, screening/discussion of secret
filming at Odd Bar, 2009.
‘How to View Art’ 2009/10, A4 handouts and A1 poster. Guidelines for viewing
an exhibition based on manuals written for non arts educated individuals who
teach art based subjects in schools. Piece installed at ‘Castlefield
Contemporaries’ EasaHQ 2009.
‘Journal’ 2009, A4 Journal about keeping a journal and preparation work for
creating work for an exhibition. Piece installed at ‘Castlefield Contemporaries’ EasaHQ, 2009.